Damage Control: What To Do When Caught Cheating

What to do when you've been caught cheating

Damage Control - What To Do When Caught Cheating Online Course

Suzie's insights will stop you from making critical mistakes. She gives you a "real-life" game-plan for reversing the negative side-effects that may have already resulted from your mistakes. This session is a hard-hitting process with no fillers, no book theory, or pop psychology. You get cutting-edge insights earned from a decade of real-world infidelity recovery experience.

  • You get Suzie's most effective strategies and a proven plan on what to do (and not do) in order to minimize the consequences of your mistake.
  • All files and resources are simple, fast & easy to access.
  • Free IOS App for Apple iPhone and iPad users. (Android coming soon)
  • Track your progress and pick up where you left off.
  • Send your free questions to Suzie and post comments from any page in your course.
  • Plays on any computer, smart phone tablet or other smart device including iPhone, iPad, Kindle, Android, MAC, PC.
  • Watch all lessons in HD Video for deeper learning and understanding.
  • Download or stream audio lessons while you drive, jog, run on the treadmill or while flying on a airplane... this is coaching that goes with you.

About this course

Suzie's insights will stop you from making critical mistakes.

She gives you a "real-life" game-plan for reversing the negative side-effects that may have already resulted from your mistakes. This session is a hard-hitting process with no fillers, no book theory, or pop psychology.

You get cutting-edge insights earned from a decade of real-world infidelity recovery experience.

Whether you know it or not, how you handle your mistakes are purely autobiographical. They will say more about you than just about anything will. Why? Because either you let your mistakes define you, or you can allow them to redefine you.

In this insightful session...

Suzie gives you the inside track on exactly what to do to redefine this experience from one of “dishonor” to one of “redemption”.

How It Helps (The Big Picture)

“What to Do When You’ve Been Caught Cheating” is one-part strategy, one-part disaster recovery and one-part damage control… all created with one primary motive — to teach you how to manage (and in some cases, reverse) the negative side effects of your own mistakes.

Get ready!

Because Suzie’s “Damage Control - What to Do When You’ve Been Caught Cheating” online course is a hard-hitting program with no fillers, no book theory, no pop psychology and no wasted time or energy.

Instead, you get

...cutting-edge, situation-specific tips, hints, secrets, strategies and insights that could only come out of over a decade and a half of real-world infidelity recovery experience.

Here’s a Little Preview of
What You’ll Learn in This Session

Damage Control - What To Do When Caught Cheating Online Course

Watch, listen and Learn as Suzie teaches you...

  • How to avoid the 6 biggest mistakes “busted” people make at this point
  • What to tell (and what NOT to tell) your partner about your affair (this is extremely important)… as well as where and when to discuss the other “okay-to-talk-about” details
  • Four things you need to know about when making apologies and amendments (very different from what you’ve been taught about them)
  • Two little words that magically transform blame into understanding
  • The most important thing you can do to jump-start the healing and forgiving process (Hint: It has nothing to do with promising to change)
  • Her simple (yet highly effective) ways to handle the backlash of negativity… not only from your partner, but from friends and family as well (extremely important for celebrities, or anyone in a high-profile situation)
  • Her recommended projects, activities and actions that break you out of the dog house!


You’ll learn to master the art of “charismatic communication,” using Suzie’s 6 principles that inspires your partner to once again trust you, open up to you and hang on to your words like honey on spoon.

Best of all…

You’ll also get Suzie’s Quiet 10 bonus review session: The Quiet 10 Daily Meditation & Review for Deeper Learning by Suzie Johnson

The Quiet 10 is considered by many of Suzie’s clients to be the most important part of their recovery process.

This is Suzie’s 10-minute guided meditation & review of your coaching session. The Quiet 10 is considered by many of Suzie’s clients to be the most important part of their learning success and recovery process. Suzie encourages you to listen to your Quiet 10 session as many times as possible (anytime you are sure to not be distracted). Not only will you be guided into a multi-sensory state of relaxation; Suzie’s Quiet 10 meditation reviews and reinforces the most important insights you learned in your session and strengthens your motivation even more… so it sticks. (Note: You’re going to be completely stunned by the sense of relaxation and release you will experience every time you listen to “The Quiet 10″). Suzie suggests that you use headphones and listen often.


"Thank you! I have sailed through ALL of the coaching sessions… and they are truly amazing for healing. I can’t believe that I did what I did, and Suzie makes me feel human. Although I can’t pinpoint the why I did it, which my husband really wants to know… “it just happened,” unfortunately. We love each other so much and this just hurts. And yes, I knew in my gut and everything about me said that it was so wrong and yet I succumbed. My husband has listened to the first one How to Survive Her Affair twice now. He can relate to the insights that Suzie speaks about of how the betrayed must feel. I think it makes him feel somewhat normal too. "

- Monica (A Wayward Partner)

Your Coach

Suzie Johnson
Suzie Johnson

Hi… I’m Suzie Johnson, and I want to personally welcome you to AffairRecoveryCourses.com. This is where you will find my entire collection of infidelity recovery coaching master courses. And the best part? You can instantly access them privately – anytime and anywhere. These courses are unlike other e-learning classes you might be used to.They are way more. Each course was consciously designed to guide you, inspire you and give you coping tools, tips, and strategies for healing and dealing with your situation. You get professional strategies and perspective without ever having to see a professional. This means, there’s nothing stopping you from moving forward. Once again... welcome to class!

And remember…Love Wins!

Affair Recovery Expert Suzie Johnson

Class Curriculum


"I have never heard of anyone who uses such inspirational, clear, truthful and meaningful words as well as Suzie Johnson. Her perspective in life is so rich, real and strong. She is a woman of knowledge, integrity, love and kindness. I strongly believe that she was sent to this earth to help us in this particular need. She is wonderful and I would highly recommend her to anyone who was touched by infidelity. She will make a difference. Thank you Suzie!"

- Melissa (A Betrayed Partner)

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course — you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does alifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like, across any and all devices you own.
Do these courses really help people?
Yes! 100%. In fact, to date, Suzie has had more than 11,5000 people take her online courses. Many of them have contacted us to express how thankful they are for finding Suzie and her courses. It's that overwhelming positive feedback that fuels us here at Marriage Wellness Institute.
What are my payment options?
You can use any of the four major credit cards (Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover) or you can pay with PayPal.
How does the billing appear on my credit card statement?
We know this is a very sensitive subject, so any charges from us simply show up as MWI, further protecting your privacy.
How else do you protect my privacy?
Suzie feels that trust, integrity and privacy are absolutely essential (especially considering the sensitive nature of this particular topic). We are grateful to be helping you and would never do anything to violate your trust. So, you can relax and rest assured that we will NEVER send you anything in the mail or sell your information to anybody for any reason at all.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Does this course come with videos or audios?
Great news! This is one of those times that YOU CAN have your cake and eat it too! Even though the entire course has been recorded in video, there are times when you'll want to just listen. So, we give you access to both the video AND the audio files. This way, you can listen privately and not have to worry about other people.
Is it better to watch the videos or listen to the audios?
Totally up to you. That's why we give you access to both the audios AND the videos. Here's what one of our students had to tell us about how she and her husband use the course. "I personally really like the videos b/c they visually show the different lists/key points, etc., which help me organize & keep track in my brain where the video is going. My husband drives a tractor-trailer, so he's watching his videos when at his stops, getting loaded/unloaded, etc., but he continues listening to them while he's driving, and he has no problem following them w/out the visuals. But, like I said, I prefer the video. I start thinking about my own situation as I'm watching and get scatter-brained enough to lose track of the topic. Like, I'll forget we're in the middle of a list of 7 obstacles, or 5 key insights. But the bars sliding across the screen remind me I'm in the middle of a "list" of sorts, if that makes sense, and can stay on point ultimately, so I love the visual part. I think without the visual, I'd have to listen over and over again to understand what I would've missed the first time around. Thanks!
Does Suzie take any type of insurance?
No, Suzie does not take insurance. Keep in mind that Suzie is an expert strategist and coach. She is NOT a medical doctor or psychologist. I have heard that sometimes insurance will help out, and it may be worth exploring, but I wouldn't count on it because most will not.

Get started now!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee - Our Overall Full Refund Rate is < 1%

#Can't Decide?

This course on Damage Control is also included in the following Master Class Workshop Bundles.

Yes! Bundles Save You a Lot of Money!

Online Affair Recovery Workshop for Wayward Partners
Marriage Rebuilding Online Workshop for Couples