Dealing with Temptation
Learn How to Neutralize Extramarital Temptations for Good
If there’s one course that should be mandatory for all married couples, it’s this one. Why? Because when it comes to extramarital temptations, it’s not a matter of if you’re going to encounter it. It’s really just a matter of when and how often. So Suzie's goal for you in this course is to expose the hidden traps, the bait and the lure of any extramarital temptation… so you’ll be able to shun the bait rather than have to struggle with the hook.
- You get Suzie's most secret strategies for dealing with extra-marital temptations. again.
- All files and resources are simple, fast & easy to access.
- Free IOS App for Apple iPhone and iPad users. (Android coming soon)
- Track your progress and pick up where you left off.
- Send your free questions to Suzie and post comments from any page in your course.
- Plays on any computer, smart phone tablet or other smart device including iPhone, iPad, Kindle, Android, MAC, PC.
- Watch all lessons in HD Video for deeper learning and understanding.
- Download or stream audio lessons while you drive, jog, run on the treadmill or while flying on a airplane... this is coaching that goes with you.
About this course
Temptation is created because of the conflict...
...between a hidden desire and your own best interest.
Therefore, temptation is overcome not by seeing it for what it is… but by seeing it for what it’s not.
The more prepared you are to deal with temptation, the more successful you’ll be.
What's the Danger?
Most of Suzie's wayward clients lacked the true understanding of how important it is to able to recognize the "early signs of extra-marital temptation" and how to properly manage and neutralize those feelings of temptation... in the moment you're actually having them. (not later on when it's too late and the damage is done)
Here's The Good News!
This course gives you Suzie's secret insights, awareness, education, and preparation you need to successfully neutralize extramarital temptations (or any temptation, for that matter)
Suzie's Dealing with Temptation online course is the perfect self-help resource for anyone who has ever (or is currently) struggling with extramarital temptation.
How It Helps (The Big Picture)
Oftentimes, what a person escapes to… winds up being worse than the thing they were trying to escape from. Therefore, in this course, Suzie has one clear goal in mind: to teach you how to tell the differences between the things that are desired, from the things that are truly desirable. Because until you learn this, you remain vulnerable to temptation.
Suzie doesn’t tiptoe around the subject.
Instead, she dives deeply into the messy stuff known as “human nature” and uncovers some sobering insights about the allure of the forbidden… that will fundamentally change the way you view extramarital temptations.
Get ready!
Because Suzie’s “Dealing with Temptation” online course is a hard-hitting program with no fillers, no book theory, no pop psychology and no wasted time or energy.
Instead, you get...
...cutting-edge, situation-specific tips, hints, secrets, strategies and insights that could only come out of over a decade and a half of "real-world" infidelity recovery coaching experience that's guaranteed to help you deal with (and conquer) those feelings of temptation... for good.
Here’s a Little Preview of
What You’ll Learn in This Session
Watch, listen and Learn as Suzie teaches you...
- How to sabotage a small but vicious problem: the allure of the forbidden
- What to do when your sexual emotions flare up and you’re tempted to “touch” (including what steps to take to nuke a compelling attraction between you and another person)
- How to diagnose your own hidden desires that make you vulnerable to seduction and emotional manipulations (many of which you’re probably not even aware of)
- How temptation is a lot like fishing and why it’s better to shun the bait than struggle with the hook
- How to properly perceive and handle the “low-hanging fruit,” “free cheese,” “no-strings-attached” and “something for nothing” cheating opportunities
- How to use both insight and instinct to preserve fidelity and strengthen integrity… even in the face of the most seductive temptations
- How to find more life-enriching (not life-draining) experiences and non-guilt-producing activities that accentuate the need for adventure, newness and novelty
Suzie will show you how to go from chasing meaningless things to going after meaningful experiences. Because even if you don’t believe it right now, one day you’ll realize that your appetites can be satisfied by totally legitimate means. In this session, Suzie will teach exactly how to do that.
Best of all…
You’ll also get Suzie’s Quiet 10 bonus review session: |
The Quiet 10 is considered by many of Suzie’s clients to be the most important part of their recovery process.
This is Suzie’s 10-minute guided meditation & review of your coaching session. The Quiet 10 is considered by many of Suzie’s clients to be the most important part of their temptation-proofing process. Suzie encourages you to listen to your Quiet 10 session as many times as possible (anytime you are sure to not be distracted). Not only will you be guided into a multi-sensory state of relaxation; Suzie’s Quiet 10 meditation reviews and reinforces the most important insights you learned in your session and strengthens your motivation even more… so it sticks. (Note: You’re going to be completely stunned by the sense of relaxation and release you will experience every time you listen to “The Quiet 10″). Suzie suggests that you use headphones and listen often.
"Thank you! I have sailed through ALL of the coaching sessions… and they are truly amazing for healing. I can’t believe that I did what I did, and Suzie makes me feel human. Although I can’t pinpoint the why I did it, which my husband really wants to know… “it just happened,” unfortunately. We love each other so much and this just hurts. And yes, I knew in my gut and everything about me said that it was so wrong and yet I succumbed. My husband has listened to the first one How to Survive Her Affair twice now. He can relate to the insights that Suzie speaks about of how the betrayed must feel. I think it makes him feel somewhat normal too. "
Your Coach
Hi… I’m Suzie Johnson, and I want to personally welcome you to This is where you will find my entire collection of infidelity recovery coaching master courses. And the best part? You can instantly access them privately – anytime and anywhere. These courses are unlike other e-learning classes you might be used to.They are way more. Each course was consciously designed to guide you, inspire you and give you coping tools, tips, and strategies for healing and dealing with your situation. You get professional strategies and perspective without ever having to see a professional. This means, there’s nothing stopping you from moving forward. Once again... welcome to class!
And remember…Love Wins!
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Course Curriculum
"I have never heard of anyone who uses such inspirational, clear, truthful and meaningful words as well as Suzie Johnson. Her perspective in life is so rich, real and strong. She is a woman of knowledge, integrity, love and kindness. I strongly believe that she was sent to this earth to help us in this particular need. She is wonderful and I would highly recommend her to anyone who was touched by infidelity. She will make a difference. Thank you Suzie!"
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