Thousands of betrayed partners have survived, healed & returned to happiness after infidelity.
(And now, I’m going to tell you how they did it.)
But before I get into the details… let me ask you something. Since the discovery of the affair, has it felt at all to you like you’ve been thrown into the deep end of a raging river, without a boat, a paddle or a clue of how to survive?
The sad news?
And have there been days where the images of them together drag you through hell and back? Have there been times when your thoughts and feelings were so confused that it felt as if you were wading through a sea of thick mud, muck and debris? Have there been times when you’ve had to literally struggle just to feel somewhat sane and to avoid being swept away by the raging river of rage, helplessness and despair… that often appear out of nowhere and slam into you like a tidal wave?
If you answered yes to any of these questions… then you’re not alone.
Those muck and debris represent the fearful thoughts, images, sensations and feelings triggered by the disillusionment and shattered trust — a common experience in the aftermath of infidelity. And that raging river represents the circumstances and unknown forces that blindsided you and that now propel you toward an uncertain future.
Now here’s the thing…
Once you’ve been thrown into the deep end of a river (regardless of whether or not you’re prepared for it), you really only have two options: You can either sink, or you can swim.
Those who sink can expect to pass through a lot of pain and bitterness before they eventually hit rock bottom.
Those who find the courage to swim can expect to be greeted with a lot of wisdom, insight and growth before they reach the other side.
And if you’re one of the courageous people…
…for whom the idea of struggling with perpetual waves of anger, hurt and bitterness is in no way appealing… then you’re really going to appreciate learning some very key insights I’ll be sharing with you in my 7-step betrayed recovery course.
“For whom the idea of struggling with perpetual waves of anger, hurt and bitterness is in no way appealing… then you’re really going to appreciate learning some very key insights I’ll be sharing with you in my 7-step betrayed recovery course.”
So, what exactly is my 7-step betrayed recovery course?
It’s a powerful combination of seven specific video coaching sessions that I designed and produced with the betrayed partner in mind. These seven video coaching sessions meet you where you are today… then, slowly but surely, take you by the hand and gently guide you through my proven step-by-step process for surviving, healing and returning to happiness after infidelity.
You see, my goal for you is that by the time you’ve listened to all six sessions all the way through — and integrated the tools and strategies I’m going to teach you — you’ll find that the pain of betrayal and the wrongs done to you in the past will no longer have the power to haunt, taint or ruin your life. In fact, even though it may not feel like it at this moment, you WILL, once again, enjoy your life and look forward to a better future.
So who, exactly, is the betrayed recovery course for?
Well, obviously, it’s not right for everyone.
And yet it’s right for you if you’ve found yourself drowning in any one of the following emotions:
- SELF-PITY: While feeling sorry for yourself can be seductive at times, I think we both can agree that it’s not healthy. Listening to my betrayed bundle shows you several ways to make the shift from self-pity to self-care. That’s a HUGE shift to make, and I can certainly help you make it.
- BLAME: While blame often seems to pacify the ego, it certainly doesn’t heal the pain. The good news is that in my betrayed recovery bundle, I’ll be teaching you at least ten fast-acting remedies to help you heal that sting of betrayal.
- ANIMOSITY: Let’s face it. Animosity and bitterness are attached together like wet and water. And if you don’t want to chance wasting months (or even years) of your life filled with feelings of hate and bitterness, then listening to these sessions is an absolute must for you.
- OBSESSING: Fixating on either the unexplainable or the uncontrollable. My years of experience has convinced me that there’s always a way to escape this kind of mental torture. In these sessions, I’ll tell you what I know and what you can do to stop obsessive thinking.
- ANXIETY: There’s a reason anxiety is known as the cancer of happiness. But that doesn’t have to apply to you. If you’re willing to listen with an open mind, I’ll teach you how to turn anxiety into resilience.
The bottom line?
The two biggest myths about surviving infidelity are that it’s either a matter of time or a matter of luck. But I’m here to tell you that surviving infidelity is not the result of either time or luck — it’s actually the result of two things:
- Having the right coping tools and strategies
- Taking the right steps (and taking them in the right order)
Whether your infidelity wound is fresh for you, or it’s been a while since your world got turned inside out, my sessions will become a valuable resource for you.
How can I be so confident?
Because I’ve spent hours upon hours asking myself the right questions. So not only does each session build on each other, they’re designed to meet you where you are today and take you from start to finish through my complete recovery process… following the same path and using the same strategies, tools and tips I have used for the past decade to guide, coach, coax (and sometimes even nudge) my private clients through the healing and recovery process.
And if that sounds like something you’d like to experience yourself, then let me give you more details about how the betrayed recovery process works, so you’ll have a better understanding of how I plan to accomplish the same for you.
About the Course
Class Curriculum
Course Curriculum
Start1. My Formula for Surviving the First 30 Days After an Affair (4:35)
Start2. Understanding the Nature of Infidelity (3:20)
Start3. What You Can Expect in the Coming Days and Weeks and How to Deal with It (19:22)
Start4. The Top 7 Pain Triggers You Can Expect After Betrayal and How to Best Deal with Them (20:26)
Start5. 3 Daily Rules to Follow to Help Ensure You're Staying Healthy Both Physically and Emotionally (10:31)
Start6. Your Checklist for Surviving the Recent Discovery of the Affair (46:42)
"I am sooooo loving the sessions! They have helped so much!! They are perfect for any situation. I have needed to learn to forgive and let go for most of my life!! I am 41 years old and hadn’t learned this. It is amazing and is saving my sanity! Thank you so much!! Love her voice, its so soothing and relaxing!"
- Kara, Betrayed Recovery Student
Let’s put it all together.
By the time you’re finished listening to these sessions all the way through…
- You’ll have more advanced coping tools you can use like a fire extinguisher… to put out the flames of anger, hurt or bitterness that may flare up from time to time.
- You’ll know the exact steps to take to make forgiveness not only possible… but impossible for you to miss.
- Many of the painful thoughts and images that used to terrorize you or force their way into your mind like intruders… will begin to dissipate and rapidly lose their intensity.
- You’ll no longer feel like you’re stuck or circling backwards. Instead, you’ll know why it wasn’t your “fault” and why it is your responsibility to keep moving forward.
- Rather than becoming a poster child for victim-hood, shame or regret, you’ll become a shining example of resiliency and survivor self-esteem.
- Plus, you’ll no longer fear the future, because you’ll have a much broader perspective about monogamy and way deeper insights to ensure you never get blindsided again.
- And rather than having to tolerate doubts and live with deception or mistrust, you’ll have the repair kit and restoration tools to re-inspire trust and increase the honesty in your relationship.
Perhaps most importantly…
When you put all six sessions together, they deliver the total package — a combination of what to do and how to do it, as well as the motivation to get it done… so that rather than being broken down by this, you can break through to something better than this. And if that’s not enough to convince you, here are top five benefits at a glance.
Top Five Benefits
- CHECKLISTS: Ensures you’re doing the right things in the right way and in the right order
- COPING TOOLS: Gives you a way to process, neutralize and manage the painful thoughts, feelings and images
- KEY INSIGHTS: Helps you separate the meaning from the madness
- INSPIRATION: Helps you overcome fear, anxiety and resistance so you’ll keep moving forward
- PREVENTION: Teaches you tips, tools and resources to ensure you never experience this again
My Final Thoughts
It’s true that the next month is going to come and go regardless of whether or not you do anything about the painful thoughts, feeling and images that have been weighing you down. So basically, at this point, you have two options:
Option 1: Take no action and allow another month to go by where nothing much really changes.
Option 2: Take immediate action to take back control and ensure that things DO begin to change for the better… before another month goes by.
Which option you choose is up to you. I certainly hope that you take the wise one.
However, I want you to keep this in mind: Time eventually heals all wounds, but when you’re drowning in pain, time has a way of passing very slowly. And so, if the thought of spending another month suffering in silent agony wrestling with the hurt you didn’t deserve is too much for you to bear, then I truly believe you’ll find that listening to the sessions and going through the six steps of my betrayed recovery process will become the rescue helicopter that pulls you out of the raging seas of pain and suffering.
How can I be so confident?
Because I understand… there are several things you can do to process the pain and heal the hurt in a way that makes you feel whole again. And the opposite is also true. There are things that can cause you to sink, stall and suffer for longer than necessary. Knowing the difference is what makes the difference on the road to recovery. My sessions were carefully created to give you the most advantages, shortcuts, coping tools, skills and strategies to get you safely through this process in the shortest steps possible. But please, don’t just take my word for it. I invite you to watch, listen, learn and discover all of these benefits for yourself.
Don’t just take my word for it — try it for 30-days - RISK FREE!
I believe my Betrayed Recovery Course will work for you… for a lot less than you’d ever expect. And yet, since I’m the creator of the program, there’s little doubt I must be a bit biased. So, rather than you taking my word for it, I would like to offer you the opportunity to decide for yourself. Just click the link below to enroll, and you will be able to access the entire course for 30-days... 100% RISK-FREE!
The best part?
If you find it's not helpful, just let us know via email, chat or phone... and we'll process your refund that same day. But that's not what's going to happen. Since we've already had over 6,500 people take my courses, it's easy for me to feel confident that once you get a chance to experience our “online classroom,” interact with the tools and features, discover how entertaining and educational the video lessons really are, and see how much fun the treasure hunt assignments are going to be, you will want to take it all the way to end.
Here’s my sincere wish for:
I wish you spontaneous shifts in perception. I wish you seamless changes in attitudes. I wish you emotional freedom. I wish you ever-expanding states of joy, playfulness, adventure and discovery. I wish you the knowledge that sets you free. I wish you unrestricted access to your own inner resources. And I wish you the ability to see the widest range of possibilities.
Those are the wishes I hold in my heart for you.
However, what I wish for you is not what truly matters. The only wishes that truly matter… are the ones you hold in your heart for yourself.
Until we speak again...
Remember... Love Wins!
- Suzie
P.S. Get lifetime access and download rights and transform your situation by enrolling in my Betrayed Recovery Course here.
"This is the perfect stepping stone on my path to recovery. I truly sense it in my spirit. The victim vs. survivor thought process is really resonating with me now. I have been trying to move forward after the ordeal but seemingly am in a holding pattern. This is so needed at the moment. Friends of mine feel empathy but do not understand what going through this."
- Alex, Betrayed Recovery Student
Frequently Asked Questions
"I can’t even tell you how helpful these programs have been. I wish I had them 30 days ago.They are better than any therapist meetings or books I’ve read.Amazing!"
- Shaylee, Betrayed Recovery Student