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Betrayed Recovery Course Workbook
STEP 1: First Aid For Surviving The First 30 Days And Beyond
1. My Formula for Surviving the First 30 Days After an Affair (4:35)
2. Understanding the Nature of Infidelity (3:20)
3. What You Can Expect in the Coming Days and Weeks and How to Deal with It (19:22)
4. The Top 7 Pain Triggers You Can Expect After Betrayal and How to Best Deal with Them (20:26)
5. 3 Daily Rules to Follow to Help Ensure You're Staying Healthy Both Physically and Emotionally (10:31)
6. Your Checklist for Surviving the Recent Discovery of the Affair (46:42)
Audio of Session
Audio of First Aid for Surviving the First 30 Days (download or stream)
Bonus: The Quiet 10
The Quiet 10 Meditation - First Aid for Surviving the First 30 Days and Beyond (download or stream)
STEP 2: How to Survive HIS Affair
1. My Formula for Surviving His Affair (3:45)
2. Survivor Psychology - How to Deal with and Overcome a Traumatic Experience (12:59)
3. Three Golden Rules of Survivor Psychology (30:13)
4. Top 7 Techniques for Surviving His Affair (46:29)
Audio of Session
Audio of How to Survive His Affair (download or stream)
Bonus: The Quiet 10
The Quiet 10 Meditation - How to Survive His Affair (download or stream)
STEP 2: How to Survive HER Affair
1. My Formula for Surviving Her Affair (6:23)
2. Survival Boot Camp for Guys: Wisdom for Surviving Her Affair (14:46)
3. Eight Key Insights on Survivor Thinking vs Victim Thinking (79:43)
Audio of Session
Audio of How to Survive Her Affair (download or stream)
Bonus: The Quiet 10
The Quiet 10 Meditation - How to Survive Her Affair (download or stream)
STEP 3: Healing Anger After Infidelity
1. My Formula for Healing Anger After Infidelity (9:34)
2. 21 Key Insights for Healing Anger After Infidelity (19:36)
3. Anger Quiz #1: What Category Does Your Anger Fall In? (13:54)
4. Anger Quiz #2: The Top 10 Red Flags that Your Anger Has Become Abusive (14:00)
5. Key Insights for Healing Anger After Infidelity (42:23)
6. Five Healing Stories to Help You Redefine What the Entire Experience Means to You (19:14)
Audio of Session
Audio of Healing Anger After Infidelity (download or stream)
Bonus: The Quiet 10
The Quiet 10 Meditation - Healing Anger After Infidelity (download or stream)
STEP 4: Healing the Hurt You Didn't Deserve
1. My Formula for Healing the Hurt You Didn't Deserve (8:33)
2. Seven Key Insights for Healing the Hurt You Didn't Deserve (28:45)
3. Understand the 3 Obstacles to Healing the Hurt You Didn't Deserve (39:44)
4. The 6 Laws of Healing the Hurt After Infidelity (6:54)
Audio of Session
Audio of Healing the Hurt After Infidelity (download or stream)
Bonus: The Quiet 10
The Quiet 10 Meditation - Healing the Hurt You Didn't Deserve (download or stream)
STEP 5: Forgiving Infidelity & Releasing Pain
1. My Formula for Forgiving Your Partner (7:29)
2. What Is True Forgiveness? (and why does it matter) (12:29)
3. Eight Key Insights About True Forgiveness After Infidelity (42:47)
4. Dismantling the Obstacles to Forgiving a Cheating Spouse (23:15)
5. Going Over How to Use Your Forgiveness Worksheet (6:30)
Audio of Session
Audio of Forgiving Infidelity and Releasing Pain (download or stream)
Bonus: The Quiet 10
The Quiet 10 Meditation - Forgiving Infidelity & Releasing Pain (download or stream)
Forgiveness Worksheet
Your Forgiveness Worksheet (Print Extra Copies To Use Anytime You Need to Forgive)
STEP 6: Repairing Trust and Inspiring Honesty in Your Marriage
1. My Formula for Repairing Trust and Inspiring Honesty in Your Marriage (9:05)
2. Debunking the 6 Biggest Myths About Trust (35:59)
3. 10 Key Insights for Inspiring Honesty and Transparency in Your Marriage (32:10)
4. 12 Trust Building Activities for Couples (17:43)
Audio of Session
Audio of Repairing Trust and Inspiring Honesty After Infidelity Course (download or stream)
STEP 7: How to Infidelity-Proof Your Marriage
1. My Formula for Infidelity-Proofing Your Marriage (10:10)
2. The Why Behind Why So Many Are Blindsided By Infidelity (16:37)
3. The What and the When of Infidelity-Proofing (55:21)
4. Breaking the Indiscretion Chain: When to Break the Chain of Events (10:07)
5. Six-Step Strategy for Infidelity-Proofing Your Marriage (30:21)
Audio of Session
Audio of How to Infidelity-Proof Your Marriage Course (download or stream)
Audio of Forgiving Infidelity and Releasing Pain (download or stream)
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