Step-By-Step Coaching for Breaking Free and Living Guilt Free After the Affair




If you choose to treat your affair like an evergreen, then I wish you all the best. You’re going to need it. However, this website and all the resources it provides is concerned with helping those who are willing and courageous enough to treat an affair like what it really is — a seasonal bloom that has come to pass.


Here’s the bad news, extramarital affairs often provide similar payoffs to those found in evergreen or authentic relationships. For example, they can provide things like companionship, connection, interest, excitement, and of course, sex.

The most seductive part?

They often give the illusion of being able to provide many of the rewards that you would get in an authentic relationship but without having to do any of the hard work required in authentic relationships. So, it’s kind of like getting to eat all the ice cream you want and never having to worry about cholesterol or weight gain.


Once a person believes that they are in fact getting something pleasurable (without having to pay too much for it), it’s easy to become enchanted. And so it’s more likely for them to mistake intensity for authenticity, excitement for passion, attachment for love, and pleasure for happiness, and of course, mistake a seasonal for an evergreen. Unfortunately, many can become so enchanted by the idea of pleasure without a price that they can’t see the illusion until it’s too late.


The laws of the universe are exacting. There is no such thing as something for nothing. There’s no action without consequence, and there’s no wrong action that can lead to a right result. And so there’s no deceptive relationship that can also be an authentic one.


Affairs produce what is commonly called an affair fog. Now, this describes a state where it becomes difficult for a person to tell the difference between what is genuine and what is an imitation, what is meaningful and what is meaningless, and what is worthy of pursuing and what is reckless to pursue. And it’s this affair fog that often leads to so many poor decisions and bad choices, deceptive practices and regret makers that happen during the course of an affair.


Affairs also produce high degrees of misguided loyalty. Now you can tell this is happening when the affair partner is stubbornly willing to believe the affair lies and strongly defends the affair itself despite the fact that having an affair totally goes against their own principles and values. And it’s exactly because of this type of misguided loyalty why so many will fight to keep the affair rather than fight to break free from it, and why so many will obsess about what they’ve lost at the end of the affair rather than focus on the rewards of living guilt-free from the affair. But perhaps most dangerous: Misguided loyalty is also the primary reason why so many treat an affair like an evergreen when they ought to be treating it like a seasonal and allowing it to fade away. And it is the reason for the drama and the trauma at the end of the affair.


There is a way for you to break free from the affair without all the drama and trauma, but it means taking a different approach than you’ve taken to the end of the affair, and yet it works.

Are you willing to take a different approach to the end of the affair? (One that doesn't involve all that drama and trauma?) If you are, then my End of the Affair online home study course might be part of the solution you’ve been searching for.

My End of the Affair home study has 5 video coaching sessions, during which I will coach you, coax you and guide you through my process for breaking free from the affair with as little drama and trauma as possible. Please notice: I offer no judgement on how you got here, (that’s not my job). My job is to help you figure out how to move forward from here. Therefore, all the tips, tools, strategies and skills you’re going to learn are all designed to help you do one thing: break free from the affair, both emotionally and psychologically, and do it in a way that keeps your self-respect and self-esteem intact.

The Best Part?

You can access my End of the Affair home study course instantly. There’s no waiting, no awkward or uncomfortable office visits. You can begin right where you are, taking it one step at a time, listening and learning from the privacy and convenience of your own home.


"Please let Suzie know that I greatly appreciate her series on how to end an affair. Taking her advice to heart saved my life, my family, my career and my financial future. I can sleep now, can look at my family without the horrible guilt hanging over my head. Suzie's wisdom and ability to effectively communicate that wisdom, is second to none. I will forever be grateful that I stumbled upon her website. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!"

- Jennifer, End The Affair Graduate



  • Have you been struggling with your own contradicting desires? In other words, does one part of you want to end the affair, but another part of you secretly wants it to continue?


  • Are you concerned that your friendship has turned into an emotional affair?
  • Have you tried to end it but found it was harder than you anticipated it would be?
  • Have you noticed that you have a pattern of falling for people who are unavailable?
  • Has the affair ended but you’re still carrying a torch for the affair partner?
  • Have you become a social media stalker, secretly checking up on them on Facebook, etc.?
  • Do you suffer from random moments of guilt and self-loathing because of the affair?
  • Are you secretly terrified of facing life without the affair or the affair partner in it to distract you?
  • Do you know you need to forgive yourself but just the thought of not feeling guilty makes you guilty?
  • Are you tired of the cycle of breaking up and being sucked back into the affair?
  • Are you tired of putting your life on hold, hoping and waiting for things to change?
  • Are you tired of the secrecy and the lies especially the ones you have to tell yourself?
  • Has it dawned on you that staying in the affair is costing you far more than it’s giving you?
  • Are you looking for ways to exit the affair gracefully and close the door permanently behind you?
  • Are you struggling with the true love or soulmate affair partner question?
  • Have you been busted by your primary partner, and now you’re being even more rebellious at the thought of ending it?
  • Have you been thinking about ending the affair but you are afraid of the backlash it might cause?
  • Are you ready to end the affair but you don’t know how to do it without looking like a bad person?

  1. THE END OF THE ROAD - There are only two ways that affairs end: gracefully or painfully. And regardless of how long or short the affair has been, there’s always a way for you to exit gracefully. And so, in this course, I will be teaching you the right way, the right tools, the right words and the right approach for you to have a graceful exit.
  2. STEPS TO FREEDOM - Breaking free from an affair, especially if you’ve tried and failed before, can sometimes feel like an impossible task. And yet there is a way for you to break free and stay free of the affair that works. The good news is, I’ll be teaching you my process for doing that and it’s already proven highly effective with my private clients.
  3. POWER NOT LOSS - The end of an affair can be about losing a power struggle, or it can be about reclaiming personal power. In this course, I’m going to share with you key perspectives and insights that will go a long way to ensure that for you, the end is about power and not loss.
  4. BACK TO NEUTRAL - You already know what neutral feels like because there was a time in the past when your feelings were neutral towards the affair partner. And so dismantling the emotional attachment is not a matter of learning something new, but it’s a matter of returning to a state you’ve already been to.
  5. RETURN TO INNOCENCE - Guilt and unhappiness are attached like wet and water: where there is one, you’ll find the other. But don’t despair because in this course, I’m going to walk you through to my guilt canceling and self-healing process so that you can learn how to accept forgiveness for your own mistakes and clean up any unfinished business and move on.

Class Curriculum

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
       Audio of Session
Available in days
days after you enroll
       Audio of Session
Available in days
days after you enroll
       Audio of Session
Available in days
days after you enroll
       Bonus: The Quiet 10
Available in days
days after you enroll
       Audio of Session
Available in days
days after you enroll
       Bonus: The Quiet 10
Available in days
days after you enroll
       Audio of Session
Available in days
days after you enroll


  • You’ll have the skills to reverse your way out of any emotional entanglement no matter how intense.
  • You’ll know why at the end of the affair, letting go and finding closure are not the same things.
  • You’ll know what to do if you’re caught up in the seductive web of an emotional affair.
  • You’ll know what to say and do to effectively end all contact without feeling guilty about it.
  • You’ll learn how to handle things like the emotional withdrawals or the sense of loneliness, especially at night.
  • You’ll learn how to grieve and purge and clean out the mental and emotional closet so you can be really free from the affair.
  • You’ll learn my three easy fixes to handle the lure, and the trigger and the temptation to get back in the affair.
  • You’ll learn how to overcome the backlash of jealousy and competitiveness and the sense of unfairness that comes when you’re the one that has to let it go.
  • You’ll learn how to de-fang the potency of the affair and the allure of the forbidden emotions.
  • You’ll learn my four-step formula for turning down your own emotional thermostat, so that your feelings can go back to neutral.
  • You’ll learn how and where to have the awkward break up conversation.
  • You’ll learn my #1 guilt canceling secret that will give you the power to end suffering.
  • You’ll learn about the hidden anatomy of affairs including what intensifies them and what makes them fade away.
  • You’ll learn how to design and enforce a permanent DNC (do not contact).
  • You’ll learn how to handle the emotional heartache that often comes with the end of the affair. Now let me give you a hint on this one. Pretending you didn’t have feelings towards the affair partner is not the way to make them go away.
  • You’ll learn how to master your emotions rather than being controlled by them so that you can have greater freedom.

By the time you’re halfway through your sessions, a lot of your fears about how you’re going to survive the end of the affair will be greatly reduced or totally eliminated. And once you’ve completed all five sessions in the course, you’ll notice a renewed sense of confidence, and you’re going to be surprised to learn that you have far more capacity for self-love and self-forgiveness than you ever thought before. And when these words of wisdom find their mark, they will help you shift your perception of what is possible at the end of the affair for you.

The best part?

You don’t have to wait days or weeks to get started. In fact, you can enroll today and get immediate access to my entire End of the Affair online course for only $199 and discover for yourself why so many other affair partners have found my course so helpful in ending the affair gently and permanently.


"I couldn't seem to end my affair after several attempts. It's been over three weeks since I've broken free and I feel so relieved and unburdened for the first time in a long time. Thank you Suzie!"

- Linda, End the Affair Graduate

Suzie's Image

So at this point, you’ve got a decision to make.

Do you want the end of the affair to be about loss so that letting go will induce a lot of drama and trauma? Or do you want it to be about reclaiming your personal power where letting go becomes about freedom?

I leave that choice up to you.

Because all I can do is show you the door. You will have to be the one to walk through it. And if you’re nervous about what is on the other side of that door, don’t be, because I honestly believe that life only gets better after the affair.

How can I be so sure? I can be sure because guilt and deception are attached like Siamese twins, and guilt and happiness are exact opposites. So in other words, where there’s deception, there’s guilt. And where there’s guilt, there’s unhappiness. And the opposite is also true. A guilt-free mind cannot suffer, and only the guilt-free heart is truly happy.

I believe you deserve to be free from guilt and free from suffering. And if you agree with that, then let me invite you to enroll in my End of the Affair home study course and find out for yourself why no matter who you think you are, you are way more than that.

Until we speak again,

Remember, Love Wins!

Suzie's Signature

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
How can I get my partner to watch?
Another great question. One I get all the time. So let me say this: If you have a friend or a loved one going through this experience and you’d like to encourage them to forgive but they aren’t receptive, I caution you to tread carefully. You can let them know how it’s benefited you. You can also direct them to this site and this store. They can read about the benefits first hand. And if they find enough value, they will make up their own minds. But do know this: Even if they aren’t ready to forgive today, one day they will be ready. Let’s hope that day comes sooner than later.
Does this course come with videos or audios?
Great news! This is one of those times that YOU CAN have your cake and eat it too! Even though the entire course has been recorded in video, there are times when you'll want to just listen. So, we give you access to both the video AND the audio files. This way, you can listen privately and not have to worry about other people.
What about my privacy?
I understand your concern. This is a very private and sensitive issue. That’s why I’m fanatic about protecting your information and your privacy. I don’t share your information with anyone. (Ever!) Also you will notice at the bottom of my website the strongest website seals, and in my store, I use the latest encryption technology to protect you, so that you know when you do business with me, you’re always safe and secure.
How does the billing appear on my credit card statement?
I understand this is a very sensitive subject. So any charges from us simply show up as MWI, further protecting your privacy.
Do these courses really help people?
Yes! 100%. In fact, to date, Suzie has had more than 11,5000 people take her online courses. Many of them have contacted us to express how thankful they are for finding Suzie and her courses. It's that overwhelming positive feedback that fuels us here at Marriage Wellness Institute.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course — you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does a lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like, across any and all devices you own.
What are my payment options?
You can use any of the four major credit cards (Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover) or you can pay with PayPal.
Is it better to watch the videos or listen to the audios?
Totally up to you. That's why we give you access to both the audios AND the videos. Most people like to watch the course and then use the audios to review or when they need more privacy (such as traveling or working out at the gym).
Does Suzie take any type of insurance?
No, we do not accept insurance. Keep in mind that I am a relationship expert and coach. I am NOT a medical doctor or psychologist. I have heard that sometimes insurance will help out, and it may be worth exploring, but I wouldn't count on it because most will not.


"I can look at my family without the horrible guilt hanging over my head. And I can look at myself in the mirror without self-loathing."

- Tony, End The Affair Graduate

Get started now!